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неделя, 29 ноември 2020 г.

#BenjaminNetanyahu ( #PrimeMinister of #Israel ) – #Clairvoyant reading / #Psychic #predictions November 27 , 2020 about the #World , the #USElection , #Coronavirus, #Iran…When , Where , What – detailed information – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna

Part of the Ebook :

PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS about the World year 2020 – 2021 through the Eyes of : Benjamin Netanyahu, Vladimir Putin …..

Expect soon the Ebook !


Benjamin Netanyahu ( Prime Minister of Israel ) – Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions November 27 , 2020 about the World , the US Election , Coronavirus. When , Where , What – detailed information – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna


http://clairvoyant-dimitrinka-staikova.mystrikingly.com https://dimitrinkastaikova.wordpress.com http://sites.google.com/site/dimitrinkastaikova

Photo : November 24 , 2020. Time of the Clairvoyant reading – after the photo.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s health : At November 24 , 2020 I see a strong pain at the back of the head – at left. The pain is connected also with the spine and it is caused by strong tightening of the muscles. I see an intense energy also in the both lungs – inside them on the periphery. There is a swelling around the belly button ( painful ) and around the tailbone ( painful ). The muscles all over the body are under pressure – with strong static electricity. Not only the spine is painful but also the bones of the both hands , also at the shoulders. There is a mild pain in : the heart , at the fingers of the both hands , the sinus channel around the right eye and nose. There is tightening of the muscles on two sites in the abdominal area : near the stomach and close to the liver – this is affecting the large intestine. The pain around the belly button is showing the immune system is affected – for the moment Benjamin Netanyahu is reaching the bottom of his powers. He feels a burden ( pressure ) from the both sides down low in the belly , accompanied by pain at right ( on the periphery of the liver ). In the liver the most serious problem was close to the bile , now it is inside the liver – I see it as a bubble ( cyst ).

I see after the US Election 2020 : at first, there is a forthcoming negotiation, then comes a statement of the Judiciary; I see a collision between two Intelligence Agencies and intervention of crowds of people. The crowds of people are easily crossed out and removed. I see Benjamin Netanyahu has a 100% support by his wife. The Judiciary three times is showing decisions. The third decision is affecting the underground power , the big companies including the energy companies and one of the Intelligences ( Recconnaissance) of Biden – the Democrats. There is starting of nervous talks about Joe Biden. The talks are about a lot of money and power. The money are paid and I see an energy going upwards , but I see it as a death. The wishes , the victory of Joe Biden are causing his death. I see a new decision and gathering of the Great powers , a triangle turned down – they are choosing underground powers and they are taking a decision. Afterwards I see the intervention of six countries which are powerful energy sources. I see a deal for a war in Syria as a main battle ground ( bridgehead ) and uniting of Iraq , Syria and Iran into one country – after a war. I see investing of a lot of money for a war and the crossing out of these money. There are upcoming more talks about the gathering of partners and negotiation. Talks about weapons , buying , joint battle actions. I see a joint projects about constructions with Saudi Arabia , division of gold that comes from USA – November 2020; divided roads and joint borders with Saudi Arabia – businss projects and a war with Iran – The Golan Heights. Joint projects in the Space Program. I see a Spacecraft ( a rocket ) that lands on the Golan Heights and it will be used as telecommunication coverage and shading of electronic signals. I see also other such rockets which as pylons are landing and staying in Egypt , in Africa , in Libya , in USA , in Switzerland , in Germany , on the Balkans , in Russia , in Turkey , close to the Chinese border and later – in Beijing. I see a negotiation about the creation of a dusty atmosphere above the Earth in order to be hidden from the Space.

At the end of November and the beginning of December 2020 – there are upcoming many travels and meetings for Benjamin Netanyahu , including with Russia – negotiation. The World is before a Third World War. I see intransigence between the camps of Trump and Biden. There is an upcoming tightening and pressing without telling what they want – they will only stay aside. I see the time until December 14th , 2020 accompanied with many explosions , but without a connection between them. At first ( now ) they are reaching to Joe Biden – I see a brain stroke. Then I see a withdrawal and waiting what decision will take the team of Biden. They are prepared with a new Biden ( the jews ). December 2020 – I see many demonstrations ,protests – about everything – including protests before the White House. There is a beginning of heart attack days – in one moment they are replacing Biden , in the other moment they are showing the real Joe Biden. The real Biden will not be able to move and they will show him only while he is sitting. The news will leak to the Media around December 20th , 2020. Then the people of Netanyahu will appear again. The battle for the World leader of USA between Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin is starting. It begins with the war between them in Syria and Lebanon. Also there is intervention of Iran. In Iraq the situation will be very complicate – there will be a civil war there and a war with ISIS – also there is inclusion of soldiers and private armies from Saudi Arabia. Iraq will be torn by war. There will fall heavy hombs with radiation. I see entering of external armies there and conquering in the future. On the last stage there is also intervention of USA again , but without benefit for the energy deposits – they will be shared. Turkey will be very angry ( from year 2020 to year 2022 – time for the psychic predictions to come true ). At the first days of January 2021 will be shown legal documents. The battle between Trump and the democrats continues…..



New Ebook :​​US Election 2020 ,Coronavirus Vaccines ,Revolution, War -When,Where,Details .What will happen after the Election ?Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions about Joe Biden and Donald Trump – Who will really become a president? The World and USA year 2020 – 2033 , Coronavirus Vaccine Companies – Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, The Russian Gamaleya Research Center,Sinovac Biotech Ltd , Sanofi – Aventis, Russian State Research Center “VECTOR”, The Russian Chumakov Federal Scientific Center and more…
Published : October 23, 2020
By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

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