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сряда, 2 февруари 2022 г.

#Media Confirmation : #EU says #Russia’s #NordStream 2 #pipeline on hold for compliance review – Jan31, 2022 , #Azerbaijan Is Ready to Provide #Europe With Emergency #Gas Supplies – Jan28, 2022 – as predicted by #Clairvoyant #Dimitrinka #Staikova May 23, 2018 in her Free New Ebook : Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus, Iran, Deutsche bank, HSBC bank, ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23, 2018

 Media Confirmation : EU says Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline on hold for compliance review – January 31, 2022 and Azerbaijan Is Ready to Provide Europe With Emergency Gas Supplies – January 28, 2022 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova May 23, 2018 in her Free New Ebook :  Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23, 2018

Click here to read the book  –

Free New Ebook :Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23,  2018  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova


Click here to read more Media Confirmations from that Ebook : https://dimitrinkastaikova.wordpress.com/?s=Free+ebook

Hienrich Hiesinger (CEO of ThyssenKrupp) – His health, A new underground factory – where ? Tests, Experiments with vessels (Argentine submarine), New Stealth technologies with gold and silver, Building of Space stations on the Earth, The steel business with USA, Problems with a bank war with jews, Sabotages in factories, Military deals, Experiments in the craters of volcanoes – Antimatter, A space start and meeting with invisible life (the light is separating on two parts and there is a dark shadow in the middle, which is moving), a wound on the head – a mystery…..Business, scandal in USA – a lawsuit, reorganization in ThyssenKrupp. Experiments – a metal, dripping like a rain without magnetic attraction, Nuclear experiments – the Iran Nuclear Program; Preparation for elections – company and political, A steel war, Explosion…. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 17, 2018 , 2pm. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.


Photo : January 19, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Hienrich Hiesinger’s health January 19, 2018 : I see problems with the vision of the left eye and pain at the right eye. There are inflamed sinus drainage ducts at left, inflammation of the ear, throat, and nose. The inflammation covers the left side and it is reaching the throat and the thyroid gland – at left. I see taking of energy medications – the liver is loaded, inflammation of the urinary tract, left kidney and left lung. There is bad blood irrigation at the back of the muscles – the right side. In the future – he will treat prostate and he will consider a surgical operation. January 19, 2018 – he had a high blood pressure and pain at the back of the head.

There is a forthcoming hard time for earning of money. Despite the difficulties, the profits will be temporary increased and then will be fragmented between the companies. January 2018 – I see a lot of nerves, a travel – they will be mainly interested by deals at sea. There are conversations with factories (plants) all over the world. In the beginning of February 2018 – a fear from travel with aircraft, because of a storm and the plane’s malfunction – Feb. 2018. Negotiations , agreements about a new factory in South America – underground and expanding of the territory of the factory. Tests connected with vessels – related with metals -endurance (strength) and speed of movement.

The first test – successful, the second test – tragic (South America – Argentina 2017). 

Preparation for formally, company separation of the finances (profits) of united steel companies. Each one of the companies will contain the other capital in shares – (Media Confirmation). 
Appearance of gold and silver alloys – new Stealth technologies on the metals of a certain devices. New Space technologies about fast movement, building of new space stations which are also a space ships on the Earth. The end of February 2018 – begins the separation with partners. March 2018 – begins with a travel and negotiation – political power. I see problems with a close to him woman ; collection of money and lack of the needed sum ; problems with negotiation with Trump and waiting for a new negotiation, problems with jews in the business and stopping of the cash flows by jews. Attempts for sabotage in their factories (plants), problems connected with electricity and power supply, preparation for a big political negotiation (which they didn’t like).

April 2018 – the whole month is divided to small tasks. Many negotiations with russians and collisions at the Arctic between bases – german and russian. Difficulties during the take off of aircrafts – damages (searching for the reason – which is birds). The month is to smaller profits, but it is a good month for Hienrich Hiesinger – I see him happy and successful and with coalition – Germany, Norway… (technologies). 

April – May 2018 an energy deal is prepared the “North Stream” with a thought that in the future – the gas pipeline to be used by Germany – without russian natural gas. (MEDIA CONFIRMATION)

May 2018 – there is starting of new contracts with Iran – USA, Turkey – I see investing of less money, but taking of better positions at the wars in the Middle East – Turkey, Syria, Iraq. A new contracts are starting about new military supplies – I see also tanks, aircrafts, ships and round underwater facilities. May 2018 – I see experiments – there are sent round metal objects (with high technology) into the craters of volcanoes – searching of the strength and the life underground.

June 2018 are coming the first results – partially seeing (dark shadows – a life). More metal round disk are sent into the craters of volcanoes – there is a searching for a new energy and deposits of metals, minerals, gold, diamonds… and antimatter. June 2018 – there is prepared for launch space object with a multipurpose function and equipment (small, compact) – it is fired in the Space.

In the beginning is seen a strong light, then the light is separated on two parts, and there is a dark shadow in the middle, which is moving – What is this? – a mistake of the equipment or a reality – moving of a space body (object) – unknown – a meeting in the Space – the life inside is invisible. There are short visits, and I see a wound on the head of the person who is watching the screen – in the periphery of the wound will be found other colors. June 2018 – the business is starting to increase its production. There will be problems with a metal which is starting to boil and to make bubbles.

July 2018 – there is a scandal in USA – first, there is a contract, then ahead of eviction – the European steel. After they have stepped less, since March 2018 – now is growing a conflict because of money  and mixed contract with the European Union. The companies are forced about a confidential contract – they refuse first, but September 2018 – the contract is made.

July 2018 is the heaviest month for the german steel and business – I see an incriminating lawsuit and forthcoming losses of money, partners and contracts. July 2018 – Hienrich Hiesinger is surrounded by children (little), he will not feel the lack of love, but he will feel bad (because of work). There is a forthcoming separation of the company on parts, new directors, and he in the future will be one of those directors, but not the main one.(https://dimitrinkastaikova.wordpress.com/2018/09/28/media-confirmation-about-thyssenkrupp-is-considering-splitting-into-two-companies-september-27-2018-as-predicted-by-clairvoyant-dimitrinka-staikova-may-23-2018-in-her-free/)

August 2018 – new experiments – a metal dripping like a rain and not affected by the magnetic attraction of the Earth. I see nuclear experiments (with the nuclear program of Iran) and buying from Iran of new technologies. September 2018 – preparation for Elections – company, but political elections are upcoming. There will be a choice ahead of Hienrich Hiesinger – it is connected with his job. October 2018 – the steel business is already in a war, the banking business too. There are difficulties with coalitions and contracts. Keeping of the american market. Between October and November 2018 – problems with the health – because of explosive in the face of Hienrich Hiesinger – I see a burned face and following many surgical operations (also on his body). Then – there are problems with the health and a choice for job.


Only in our Clairvoyant Shop :

Fabiola Gianotti (CERN Director – General) – A storage for Antimatter,  Very strong and powerful  electrical energy is produced  – it shifts underground layers and affects to the  Earth’s rotation  – When? The  road of the antimatter  to Israel.  A black cloud and lightning wind to Syria and Iran – the antimatter  in the  Third  World War. Problems with the strong  energy and it’s production – with bounce. A new kind of energy is created  – by antimatter and…  Year 2018 – creation of new device about  hibernation during  the  Space travels. A choice. War. When  the new achievements of CERN  will come into use by Israel  – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 18,2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from  Europe, Bulgaria, Varna


Photo : March 27,2018. Time of the  clairvoyant reading – after the photo is made.


Xi Jinping (President of  the People’s republic of China) – The man who  knows the  answers of all mysteries. There is found energy deposit  close to the border with  South Korea and in South Korea – which they plan to be exploited  by the both Koreas. The commercial  policy with Jews by two parts. The  new invasion  – dark matter with  energy “objects ” of people. Where are the remains of the  missing flight MH370 – now….. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 12, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from  Europe, Bulgaria, Varna


Photo : May 7/8th,2018. Time of the  clairvoyant reading – after the photo is made.

A gift – Our Ebook:

Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

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EU says Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline on hold for compliance review – January 31, 2022


“Clearly there is certain action from Russian side that triggered the European Commission’s investigation whether Gazprom is in this situation acting in line with market principles…. Unfortunately, this problem of weaponisation of gas flows is not new,” Dombrovskis said.

He also said the European Union will do everything so Russia would not have a possibility to use natural gas as a weapon.

Azerbaijan Is Ready to Provide Europe With Emergency Gas Supplies – January 28, 2022

  • Europe is seeking alternative supplies should Russia cut flows
  • Any substantial shipments would require long-term contracts




New Ebook and Paperback book :

Weapons, Empires, Elections 2022
Clairvoyant/Psychic reading : What will happen after the death of Pope Francis and the Papal conclave ? Satoshi Nakamoto ( the creator of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency ),The future of France and French Presidential election 2022, Mysterous artifacts, James Webb Space Telescope , Midterm Elections 2022 Alaska and Arizona

Published : January 15, 2022

Authors : Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova, Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova

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New Ebook and Paperback Book :

The Future of Joe Biden and USA 2021/2024 Clairvoyant/Psychic readings to Joe Biden – cabinet, advisors, health , enemies. 

Problems in the US Democratic and Republican party . Donald Trump and US Election 2024 

PUBLISHED : November 29 , 2021 

By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova 

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New Ebook And paperback book: 




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