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сряда, 12 юли 2023 г.

Demonstration of Russian hypersonic technology? - A meteorite exploded in the air between Bulgaria and Romania. It shocked people in Vidin - Clairvoyant reading July 12, 2023 - by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

 Demonstration of Russian hypersonic technology? - A meteorite exploded in the air between Bulgaria and Romania. It shocked people in Vidin - Clairvoyant reading July 12, 2023 - by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

Clairvoyant House "Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova " - Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

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We have entry into the earth's atmosphere spiraling through a small hole. I see parts around the orb that are burning. First it moved in a spiral, then it suddenly fell down - it made a path (trajectory) like a highway - the object was large. The Control has been taken inside the object and I see a second spiral and a path in a straight line to the east. I see a third large spiral motion and again an eastward path - followed by object travel to the south (southeast - small degree) and again a circular spiral motion. Next is a path strictly down - south and a spiral movement. So far I can see life in the object.

A movement to the east again follows - then a sharp change of direction to the west and again a sharp change of direction to the east. The spiral movements are in two to three circles and along the periphery - like an automatic ride. And finally I see one last rise of the North - up and bang (explosion). The object was flying, but there were living organisms inside. Not an object for hunting and enrichment - it is an Experiment .

A total of ten times I see the object's course change. It has something to do with the Russians - because the last form is Zet (Z). Next is the thunder and the disappearance of the object. I think it's a demonstration of a certain lightning-fast propulsion technology - hypersonic.

For questions and order of detailed Health diagnosis by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova
Our email is : clairvoyantStaikova@icloud.com 

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